
Your education and financial well-being are important for your success. With the LRAP, we seek to help you achieve your goals and calling while providing a safety net. This page highlights some of our most frequently asked questions about the LRAP and the answers to them.

What is LRAP?

The 偿还贷款援助计划 (LRAP) is a program that helps college graduates repay their student loans. LRAP provides a financial safety net that helps students focus on their academics while in school and, 如果学生毕业后收入不高, 帮助毕业生偿还贷款. Parent PLUS loans are also covered and repayment assistance for those loans would also be based on the graduate’s income.


家庭收入在100美元或以下的本科生,000 based on FAFSA information will be offered LRAP as part of their initial financial aid offer. Students may also petition their admissions or financial aid counselor for eligibility, with LRAP being offered based on said counselor(s)' recommendation, 或根据辅导员的酌情决定例外. Please note that LRAP is currently only offered to undergraduate students admitted to SPU; graduate students are not eligible for the program at this time.

How does LRAP work?

Students must attend and graduate from the college or university that awarded LRAP. After graduation, they must work at least ¾ time to receive assistance (i.e. 平均每周至少工作40小时中的30小时). If a graduate’s income is below the Upper Income Threshold specified in their LRAP Award, the graduate (and their parents) can then receive loan repayment assistance in the form of quarterly reimbursements on their student loan payments. For complete details and eligibility requirements of the program, please refer to your LRAP Award.

As your income increases, assistance is reduced proportionately. For example, if your income falls half-way between the Upper- and Lower-Income Thresholds specified in your LRAP Award, 然后你可以得到50%的贷款偿还. Additionally, assistance is proportionately reduced if you work an average of less than full-time (i.e. 40 hours per week).


You are not eligible for assistance during periods of unemployment.  You may be eligible for economic deferment or forbearance of your student loan payments by working with your loan servicer.


In general, assistance requests typically take five business days to process. The sooner you submit all the needed information to process your request, 你就能越早收到你的报销.


LRAP涵盖所有联邦, private alternative, and Parent PLUS loans authorized through the financial aid office at your LRAP-awarding college or university.


You must be employed at least ¾ time (averaging 30+ hours per week) at minimum wage for the locale in which you are working.


You may not live/work overseas and receive repayment assistance. You can be in the program without receiving assistance payments for up to 3 years while living/working overseas. 如果你回到美国.S. 并在3年期限结束前开始工作, 收入低于最高收入门槛, 然后你将开始收到还款援助款项.


You have up to 18 months after graduation to establish that you are eligible to receive benefits. To do so you must meet one of the three qualifying criteria: work an average of ¾ time, 或者全职读研究生, or work overseas. It is critical that you communicate one of these three qualifying activities via the LRAP portal

How do I apply?

SPU will determine your eligibility to receive an offer of an LRAP. Those eligible must review and sign the LRAP agreement within the LRAP award portal for SPU which may be found at You will have 45-days from the time the offer of an LRAP is initially made in which to sign the agreement. 签名并不意味着你必须参加SPU, 但对SPU的合作伙伴组织负有义务, Ardeo教育解决方案, to provide you loan repayment assistance should you decide to attend SPU and meet the criteria found within the agreement.


没有必要每年都重新申请. Once you have signed the agreement you are covered within the criteria of the agreement.


There is no cost for you to benefit from the LRAP program or receive assistance after graduation.  The award is offered to you by the institution as an investment in your long-term success, 无论是在校园里还是毕业后.


已婚的LRAP个人仍有资格获得援助, which will be calculated based on the greater of their individual income or one-half of their total household income (including spouse’s income).


一旦你最初有资格获得LRAP援助, 然后,您可以继续请求协助, 直到你的收入超过最高收入门槛, 或者你的贷款全部还清.


赌博十大靠谱软件理解生活的发生.  如果你需要取款, you can still re-enroll at SPU and benefit from LRAP (after graduating from the college that awarded you with LRAP).  Please keep in mind that LRAP only covers loans borrowed to attend your designated institution for your first six (6) academic years after receiving your LRAP Award.

LRAP only provides assistance on loans borrowed to attend the college that awarded you with LRAP.  Additionally, you will need to graduate from the college that awarded you with LRAP to be eligible for assistance.

Am I required to repay LRAP if I leave my LRAP qualifying employment?

There are no instances under which you would ever have to repay LRAP. 你的义务是偿还贷款. Your opportunity with an LRAP is to have assistance in making those loan payments.

如果有进一步的问题,我应该联系谁? 你也可以直接咨询你的招生顾问. 

If you have already been awarded LRAP and enrolled at the institution you received your LRAP Award from, 您可以查看LRAP奖励和条款的副本 & 条件,登录赌博十大靠谱软件的 myLRAP服务门户.

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