In general

  • All food service for external clients must be contracted through Conference Services.
  • On-campus book sales by an outside vendor or individual are permitted only with prior approval from the Executive Director of University Services ( in consultation with the Bookstore manager.
  • Parking is limited and vehicles must be parked in designated lots. You’ll need a campus parking permit, available through the Conference Services office.
  • Alcohol and smoking are not allowed on campus.

ADA access

  • Limited ADA approved handicapped parking is located in the Demaray lot, though it is typically occupied during regular business hours.
  • To access Gwinn Commons from the Dravus lot, enter the back entrance door of the library, pass through the library to Martin Square, and then up the Gwinn Commons elevator to the third floor.
  • View the Campus Accessibility Map or contact Disability Support Services for specifics.

Support for your external event

One of the benefits of being an external group is that Conference Services offers support in every area, and coordinates with all service providers on behalf of the external group.

  • Reservation form. Since SPU Room Finder is only for Internal SPU use, the event organizer (whether or not an SPU employee) will request the space (and services) via the Event Request Form.
  • Contract. Based on availability, Conference Services will create a contract and request necessary documentation (proof of insurance, proof of nonprofit status), as well as security deposit(s).
  • Event organizer. The event organizer will work directly with Conference Services, who will coordinate the event needs with the various SPU service providers, as needed.
    • Catering
    • Facilities
    • Computer and Information Systems
    • Safety and Security (including parking passes)
    • Gwinn Commons Dining Hall (meals through the line)
  • Signage. Any necessary signage (creation, as well as posting and removal around campus) is Conference Services’ responsibility.
  • Lodging. If your event requires lodging (summer months only), Conference Services will work with you to find the best accommodations, and will work with you from the point of booking rooms through check-in and check-out.

Support for your internal event

Conference Services has limited involvement in the event planning and execution of internal events.

  • SPU Room Finder. An SPU staff or faculty member will request the space via Room Finder.
  • Coordination, budgets. An SPU staff or faculty member will work directly with various SPU service providers, as needed. You will need to provide your SPU budget number, as required by:
    • Catering
    • Facilities
    • Computer and Information Systems
    • Safety and Security (including parking passes)
  • Signage. Any necessary signage (creation, as well as posting and removal around campus) is an SPU staff or faculty member’s responsibility.
  • Meals. If you require meals in Gwinn for more than 10 people, you must submit the Dining Hall meal request form. Conference Services will work with you to create meal tickets, coordinate with Dining Hall staff, and charge your departmental budget after-the-fact.

Internal or external?


  • The event is primarily for SPU students, staff, or faculty.
  • An SPU department will be paying for the event via an interdepartmental (ID) charge without being reimbursed by an outside organization.
  • If not primarily for SPU students, staff, or faculty, the event is an approved SPU event for external audiences.


  • The primary audience for the event is not SPU students, staff, or faulty.
  • A non-SPU organization will be paying for the event via check or charge.
  • Note: This is true even if you, an SPU faculty or staff, are a member or officer of the non-SPU organization.
  • An SPU department will be sponsoring the event by paying for some or all of the fees, but an external organization is planning and executing the event.

Question: If the external client I’m working with pays my SPU department directly, can my department pay by ID charge and consider the event internal?

No. While this arrangement may seem simpler to you, it opens the University up to possible liability issues.

SPU must comply with strict property tax-exemption and tax-exempt bond compliance regulations. Contracting with external groups is the only way to properly manage the University’s risk and liability exposures. Conference Services has the ability to contract with external groups.

virtual campus

ADA access?

You’ll find ADA-approved handicapped parking in the Demaray parking lot. Access Gwinn Commons through the Ames Library back entrance, through the Library to Martin Square, and then up the Gwinn Commons elevator to the third floor.

Campus accessibility map